Copyright by: Agung Nugroho™
Tuangin Unek-Unek Kamu Ke Wab ini..
Maybe Aja ada yang bisa kasih Solusi!!
Name: | allie | Time: | 09/23/2008 at 7:57am (UTC) | Message: | setuju setuju
lama nih, qta ndak kumpul2 lagi. Ok, d tunggu tanggal mainnya ya? btw, pj ne ki rahman karo ovi ya? semangat ya prends.... |
Name: | - | Time: | 09/23/2008 at 2:32am (UTC) | Message: | mau ikutan tapi ndak taju rumah heppy. brangkat bareng donk!!! |
Name: | Riski_iis | E-Mail: | riski_math | Time: | 09/23/2008 at 1:31am (UTC) | Message: | Assalamu'alaikum
Acaranya, kira2 jm 13 dah slsai blm?
Jalan2 kemana Man?
Kalo jalan2nya buat silaturahim ke Bapak/Ibu guru kita gmn? yang paling dekat ya tempatnya Bu Lastri.
Hm..tapi ngrepotin ga Ya??
Jamnya dimajukan saja, jam 8,gmn?
Trimakasih, maaf kebanyakan usul |
Name: | ovi | E-Mail: | rivy_scorpio | Time: | 09/22/2008 at 12:58pm (UTC) | Message: | Ass,...
pakbr tmn2 smua?
insyaAJJI qt mau ngadain reuni exocet.
dari pnjelasan maman dibwh...
mnrt tanggapan tmn2 gmn?
mhn kbri qt secepatnya ya.
bs hub maman 085746237602 atau aq jg blh 085729477468 
thanks ya tmn2 bwt kerjasamanya.
- selamat berpuasa -
Wass,... |
Name: | Rahman Feryanto | E-Mail: | Fery ITS | Time: | 09/21/2008 at 4:15pm (UTC) | Message: | jadi gini draft buat reuni nya:
1. Kumpul bareng(sharing+kangen2an)
2. Makan2 jelas
3. Narcis bareng
4. Tuker kado(hrg max 5000 di bungkus koran aja)
5. Jalan2 bareng
Place n date :
Heppiy house jam 9-drop
insya Allah 4 okt 08
jadi kamu yang Ng range biayanya kira2 @anak brp
pi jangan mahal2
Nanti kita rapatin dulu sebelum lebaran
Aku pulang tgl 25 at 26
nanti temen2 semua ak calling lagi
Tolong di infokan juga ke temen yang lain ok.Thx |
Name: | - | Time: | 09/19/2008 at 11:02pm (UTC) | Message: | Bismillahirrohmaanirrihim,
Innalillahi wainna ilaihi Roji'un.
Telah berpulang k Rahmatullah, Bpk. Wasikun guru SMANSA Kbm, pg hari 18 September 2008 karena kecelakaan.
Semoga Allah mengampuni dan menerima amal ibadah beliau, Amiin...
buat teman-teman yang sudah KKN dan lagi nyusun skripsi, SMANGAT y!!! semoga diberi kelancaran. Amiin...
yang mau pd mudik, hati2 y!!! jangan lupa bw bekal sahur maupun buka.
akhir kata mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
taqobbalallohu minna wa minkum, siyamana wa siyamakum. |
Name: | ajib | E-Mail: | ipin_elek05 | Time: | 09/11/2008 at 8:32am (UTC) | Message: | Aslm. semua.....
Gmana kabar kalian??
minta email kalian smua dong! |
Name: | allie | Time: | 09/07/2008 at 10:08am (UTC) | Message: | hm, betul kata iis. Biasanya kalo ada acara buka puasa bareng, jarang temen2 yang dateng. kayak pengalaman tahun2 kemarin. Nah, gimana kalo abis lebaran aja ketemuannya? kayaknya liburan lebaran tahun ini agak lumayan panjang. Jadi, gimana menurut pendapat temen2? |
Name: | Riski_iis | Time: | 09/05/2008 at 4:59am (UTC) | Message: | Assalamu'alaikum
Buat temen2 exocet, met puasa ramadhan 1429 H, semoga jadi tambah baik ibadahnya.
Biasane momen lebaran buat momen reunian. Pripun?mau reunian anak2 exocet tahun qt ndak?
Klo reuniane pake momen BuBer, biasane g pada dateng.
Monggo di tanggapi. Matur nuwun |
Name: | U | Time: | 08/17/2008 at 5:17pm (UTC) | Message: | Sepiii.....
BT tau!!
Mending we nyanyi aja y.. ni bwt anak2 yg mw pd wisudaan thn ini 'n especially bwt seseorang di IPA3 yg g perlu we sebutin namanya...
-Story of My Life-
Social Distortion
High school seemed like such a blur,
I didn't have much interest in sports or school elections.
And in class I dreamed all day, 'bout a rock 'n' roll weekend.
And the girl in the front of the room,
So close yet so far y'know she never seemed to notice,
That this silly school-boy crush wasn't just pretend.
Life goes by so fast, you only want to do what you think is right.
Close your eyes and then it's past - story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
And I went down to my old neighborhood,
The faces have all changed, there's no one left to talk to.
And the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11.
I went downtown to look for a job,
I had no training, no experience to speak of.
I looked at the holes in my jeans and turned and headed back.
Life goes by so fast, you only want to do what you think is right.
Close your eyes and then it's past - story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Good times come and good times go,
I only wish the good times would last a little longer.
I think about the good times we had and why they had to end.
So I sit at the edge of my bed,
I strum my guitar and I sing an Outlaw love song.
Thinkin' bout what you're doin' now and when you're comin' back.
Life goes by so fast, you only want to do what you think is right.
Close your eyes and then it's past - story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
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